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Broward's Largest Blocks-November 2010

With the average deal in South Florida hovering around 3,000-4,000 square feet, there’s not much affecting Broward’s largest blocks of contiguous space.  November’s list features a great mix of properties – all classes, new and old, CBD and suburb.  CHECK THEM OUT

Inventory Update-November 2010

Plenty of activity in the lower two-thirds of our tri-county market, but Palm Beach County didn’t make an appearance in the top 10 Inventory Reductions list. FULL REPORT

Procacci Achieves Zurich Certification

Procacci Development Corporation, a full service real estate developer based in Boca Raton, has achieved Zurich Insurance HPR (Highly Protected Risk) certification. Procacci earned this certification by exceeding standards created to allow both structures and businesses the ability to weather significant storm events and sustain stability.