Deadline Quickly Approaching For Real Estate Tax Appeals

There’s a change in Florida law concerning the payment of real estate taxes.
The law now states that unless 75% of the real estate taxes are paid by April 1st, the Value Adjustment Board will reject the appeal of the real estate tax assessment.
Without an appeal, the property may be over-assessed and paying more than its fair share of real estate taxes.  The following is a summary of the statute.
“By statute effective July 1, 2011, in order to contest the valuation of property before the Board, you must pay all of the non-ad valorem assessments and make a partial payment of at least 75 % of the ad valorem taxes levied against the property (i.e. less any applicable discount under F.S. 197.162) before the taxes become delinquent. Failure to timely make any such payments will result in the denial or rejection of the taxpayer’s petition by the Board.”
Source:  Tom Dixon, Dixon Commercial Real Estate



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