Economy Got You Down? Here's 5 Keys That'll Pick You Up
Believe in keeping life simple? John Klymshyn does. John personally coaches leaders, executives, entrepreneurs and any professional interested in pursuing greatness.
John recently took an informal poll of commercial real estate professionals, bankers, lawyers, entrepreneurs and attorneys that led him to a miraculous conclusion: there are 5 keys to economic recovery.
Ok, let’s walk through these @ Twitter speed –
1) Hard work works. Writers write. Birds gotta fly. While the statement: “I want to work SMARTER, not HARDER” is entertaining and pithy, keep in mind that during the time someone says that, their competitor is busy signing an agreement, closing a deal, or getting hired. Don’t outsmart yourself. Hard work…works!
2) NO. Tough word. Uncomfortable word. But a necessary one, and one you want to be comfortable delivering to people whom:
- You can not serve
- You do not feel are right for what you offer
- Are more interested in burning your time than valuing it
3) Selflessness is a spiritual, mental, life-approach concept that ALWAYS pays you good goes a long way. You LOSE NOTHING by helping someone else. Think about that for thirty seconds. Now, think about this: One of the most exciting questions to ask someone is: “Do you know who you should talk to?” EVERYONE loves hearing that. SO, think of 2 people you know who should meet, and SET IT UP. Pick up the phone, for no other reason than those two may get along, might do business together, or… might spend a few minutes talking about how cool and smart and funny YOU are.
4) State Your Fees as Facts. When someone asks you what you charge, or how much your product will be, or how much they can expect to spend while working with you or having you serve them, the first thing— FIRST THING they want to hear from you is a NUMBER. Your fees are a reflection of your perceived value. If you don’t think your offer is worth what you are asking for it, why should anyone else?
5) Discipline is defined as following a regular, proven path. Few things have the reliability, or the long-term aggregate effect of discipline. You may not see results TODAY, but you will soon, and for a consistent amount of time. (As long as you STAY disciplined).
Still wondering how these can possibly be the keys to economic recovery? Look around! Look at your competitors. Are they working harder than you? Are any of them acting selflessly? Do they turn down work and opportunities that just don’t fit their model, freeing up time for them to continue conversations with QUALIFIED prospective clients, provide quality service to current clients, or build a referral base?
So, now that you have these 5 Keys, do me a favor- DO SOMETHING WITH THEM.
John Klymshyn leads people and groups through the jungle of conversations, from difficult to profitable. His books are available on, and he is available to facilitate your executive retreat, your board meeting, your planning session, and to teach “Moving Conversations Forward™” to your sales, service and operations teams.
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